Thank you for your interest in purchasing vendor space and/or a sponsorship for this year's Madi's Day of Hope!
Vendor Details
Vendor must be set up and be present from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. Can set up from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
Vendor booth must have someone working it at all times.
All vendors are responsible for their own set up, including tents, tables, chairs, etc.
This is an outdoor event, rain or shine.
You must leave your space clean and free of trash.
This is a charity event to raise funds for families in need.
Vendor Fee Details
Vendor fees are non-refundable. See below for payment options.
Each vendor must donate an item to the event raffle. This item will be displayed at your booth. Raffle tickets will be sold at the check-in table for the event. Customers will drop raffle tickets into the items they would like to win. This will drive customers to the booth. Someone from the foundation will do a Facebook Live starting at 6:45 pm to draw all of the winners from each vendor. (Food trucks not included)
Vendor booth fees are $65, with electric $75. Space size apx 10' X 12'.
Food truck and boutique trailer fees are $85. Permit or Serve Safe certificate required for food trucks.
We will be marketing your booth on our social media platforms, newspaper, signage, etc.
Please submit one or two pictures for us to use in marketing to Madi's Hope Foundation Facebook page, or email to all4madi@madishopefoundation.org.
Sponsor Options
$50 ORANGE- Business name listed on Madi's Hope Foundation website.
$250 RED- Website recognition, road signage, and social media recognition.
$500 PURPLE- All of the above, plus logo signage on the main stage.
$1,000 HOPE- ALL in RED, plus premium banner signage on the MAIN STAGE.
Also accepting donations of a lesser amount to support the cause.
To register for vendor space or a sponsorship, click the registration button below.
For information on making a payment, or to pay with a debit/credit card, please click the payment button below to be taken to our donations page.